By the time...Part 1

As the year has just started, reviewing our achievements during the year and the level of productivity, most of us will feel that they missed a few things and believed it could’ve been better if it had been planned well... ... more

The Message of Islam

This book, The Message of Islam, begins by asserting the important fact that the faith of Islam, its worship, rules governing people’s transactions and all its teachings have remained the same as they were taught by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) over fourteen hundred years ago. No change or alteration has ever been introduced into them and any deviations from the message that have arisen are because it is Muslims themselves who have changed. Therefore, when individual Muslims commit deeds that Islam prohibits their actions do not reflect Islam. ... more

Episode 12: A Spotlight on the Way to the Battle of Badr

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: The caravan of Quraysh with Abu Sufyan at its head escaped the prophet's grasp and reached As-Sham. They sold their commodities off and bought another. After that they set back to Mecca.

Sheikh Ali Paqees: The prophet awaited its return, inciting his companions to ...

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A Too-Narrow View of Religiousness

Religiousness is not with appearance, rather its more than that, it covers all aspects of your life. ... more

Supporting Our Prophet Muhammad

100 Ways We Can Support Our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) ... more

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