Category: Comparative Religion

Introduction to the Qur'an

         In the Introduction to The Qur'an, the distinguished Islamic scholar M.A. Draz, one of the Muslim world’s most erudite authorities of this century, sets out ... more
Books Since 2020-06-02

It is not necessary to breathe!

We can see a policeman pressing down his pointed knee on the neck of a black citizen called "George Floyd" ... more
Videos Since 2020-05-28
Video Thumbnail Play


Duration: 16:58
Videos Since 2020-04-10
Video Thumbnail Play


Duration: 6:47

Why Islam?

A short pamphlet that discusses some of the beauties, benefits and unique aspects of the religion of Islam as compared to other religions and beliefs. ... more

Jesus: A Prophet of God

A short pamphlet about Jesus, Peace be upon him ... more

Concept of God in Major Religions

A common feature of all major religions is the belief in a universal God or a Supreme Divine Authority that is omnipotent and omniscient. ... more

Did God become man?

The main purpose for writing this booklet is to reach those who believe in God and cause them to reflect on the nature of their beliefs in the light of reason and revelation. ... more

Jesus in the Quran

This book, Jesus in the Qur’an, speaks first about people’s need to receive the divine message through prophets. They need this as much as they need food and drink to survive, if not more. God’s messengers and prophets were assigned the task of giving people the right concept of God, their Creator, and explaining to them how to earn His pleasure and acceptance, and how to avoid incurring His anger. ... more